Wednesday, May 22, 2013

School in a perfect world...

I like school but i think that somethings could be better.

If school were in a perfect world people could take only the classes that they wanted to. For all the other classes there could be a chip that you could hold up to your head and then you would know that subject. another thing would be to not make people do work on computers. The teachers would let some students write out what they were suppose to type or make in to a presentation. There would only be presentations of they wanted to make one, all of the other people should be able to write a paper and turn it in.

Now in the non-perfect word we don't get enough time to eat lunch and to do other things. We should have 45 min of lunch break instead of 30 min, and in between classes we should have like 7 min instead of 4 min. for lunch we should be able to have what ever we want to eat. I don;t mean we can bring anything we want, i mean the cafeteria will have any type of food that people might want. For me i might want an uncrustables peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich with a water and maybe some bell peppers with ranch.

And for last school would only be for 7 months a year.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


   There are many things that I believe. one is I believe that people who act who they really are make the greatest friends. These people don't have to act different when they are around different people. It makes it so much better, if you act a certain way around a group of people then act different the next day they will be confused. I think that people should act one way and stay the same unless they are mean or rude them they should learn to be nice then stay that way. Real people are the best, everybody should be real.
   Another thing I believe is that anybody can do anything they want to. You have control of you! People done need to blame people for things that they caused. Some people just done realize that they can change when ever they want to. If you want to do something that is crazy, wonderful, or any other type of thing they want to. It is your life, I you want to change it.
   Believing in something any body can do, it is as easy as knowing that something can happen or has happened. nobody can make you believe something. It is a personal choice. If someone says that they believe something it doesn't mean that you have to believe that too. If you doo that is ok but you don't have to believe anything if you don't want to. Overall believing is a personal choice, nobody can change that.

Friday, May 3, 2013

The family

In my stories i will make up names so no one will know who it is about.

The Family

Once there was a family this family was very close and everybody thought that they were the perfect family. But as most people know, no one is perfect. They had a daughter that very few people knew they had, shew was very very very sick. she had lung cancer, she had had it since she was very small. In public they were very happy but at home they weren't so happy.One night the mother was thinking that she wanted to go see her daughter soo the family planned on going in the morning. at about five thirty in the morning the family got an suprise call, it was the hospital. The docter said that their daughter was in unstable condition. They rushed and called their aunt, she was on her way to the house when the mother and father left for the hospital. The other childeren were still asleep in their beds, the parents were carful not to wake them. When the parents got to the hospital the docters were pushing her in to a special room. The parents were sat her side all night, she was getting werse ans werse over time. By morning she had died. The perents went home and told the rest of  their kids, it was a very sad day for them. All of the family stayed home for a week, they didnt go anywhere, at all. the next week the family tried to go abotu their lives but the mother had a melt down at work. her collegs asked her what was wrong she said that her daughter had died of cancer. No body knew that her daughter had cancer, she told them that it wasnt the daughter that they knew about. They didnt really understand but they stoped asking questions. Every one they knew got a new way of looking at life. Every one new not to think that any family was perfect, they learned that everyone has secrets.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cure For A Disease

Of i could cure a disease i would cure cancer. I have family members that have cancer and u have family members that use to have or had precancer. I think there needs to be a cure for every disease  but I have more cancer or probability to get cancer in my family.

Facts About Cancer:

  • Cancer occurs when cells in a part of the body grow out of control and crowd out normal cells.
  • The World Health Organization estimated that 40% of all cancer can be prevented by having and keeping a healthy diet, exercise, and not using tobacco.
  • 75% of cancer is caused by environmental things (or the hings you surround yourself with) like radiation, tobacco, diet and other things.
  • Out of all cancers lung cancer is the most fatal.
  • It is estimated that in 2015 9 million people will die from cancer, and in 2030 11.4 million people will die from it.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Big News

Everybody is talking about the dessert dance! There are four themes "Glow in The Dark", "Never-land", "Night in Hawaii", and "other things". Since I dint want to try and come up with a thin for other i think that we should have "Night in Hawaii". I think this Because there are a lot of different colors and you could wear whatever color you what and you will still match. We could Get Blow-up palm trees, Hawaiian flowers, and different fruits. There are many things that people can go to make this night better for their classmates. They could have good food, good food is the vest thing for a dance because a lot of people don't like to dance, so talking and eating are good. there are many reasons for other people to like this idea and these are my ideas  I think that the best choice for the dessert dance id "Night in Hawaii".

Monday, April 8, 2013

When I created this blog I asked my self questions like "what do I like to write about?" and "What would people like to read?" I wasn't sure at first then I thought every body likes stories that relate to things that happen in life. So i decided to tell you about things that actually happen.